jag mår inget och det känns så jävla bra

firar slutet på en 28 timmars ångestattack med att bara må fruktansvärt jävla bra, alt. inget, ett tag

varför äter jag?

jag vill bara dö

Hetsätning I

Okej, jag vet att jag hetsäter. Jag vet att jag tröstäter. Jag vet varför. 

Men jag vet inte hur jag ska sluta.

Words of air, that's you and you can see that I know but are unable to turn you down

Hello Anorexia. You win. For the 100th time, you win. I don't wanna beat you. As long as you promise me everything's gonna be alright in the end I'll belive you. 

Oh how you loved with my sences, how you whispered in my ear that everything will be just perfect. That is how you trick me, every time, that is how you trick me. That is how I become fooled every time, it's how you cover yourself in arpartame to cover the fact that you're speaking words of air.

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